
Looking for to see the popular children and classrooms under the optics of a first dialectic, to see what the child has of ugly and pretty, to live the diversity, with diverse children, dismitificando our positivistas esteretipos of that &#039 exists; ' bom' ' pupil and the professor ' ' padro' '. DOTTI (Apud SAUCERS, here. 2002, P. 07). The deaf individual possesss some differentiated characteristics that can affect or make it difficult the learning, case communication is not effective, therefore in the lack of the hearing, the tato and the vision they finish supplying and organizing the received information half it. One of great ' ' perdas' ' for the deaf person it involves the auditory process to receive and to transmit information to the environment, which had to the deficit related to (RUSSIAN AND SAINTS, 1989): Auditory Ateno (capacity to present a voluntary reply to a sonorous stimulaton); Auditory Discriminao (process to detect differences and similarities in the perceived sounds); Auditory Memria (it involves ability to store and to evoke the auditory material); Figura-deep auditory (capacity to inside select significant a stimulaton sonorous of a gamma of presented sounds simultaneously); Auditory Anlise (operation that decomposes the received sonorous information); Auditory Sequnciao (function that depends on the memory, a time that is the capacity to remember the order of the item in a sequence). FAILURE PERTAINING TO SCHOOL OF the DEAF PEOPLE Even so the nature of the disfunes in the learning must be considered as consequences of innumerable factors, and not as first cause of the failure pertaining to school, the notion of the failure pertaining to school, walks for a direct relation between riot of pertaining to school learning and failure. Therefore, difficulties, upheavals, riots and problems of learning are expressions many used times to mention the changes to it that many children present in the acquisition of knowledge, of motor and psicomotoras abilities, in the affective development and others.


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