Leon Ledermann

Hans Bender,the well known parapsychologist, the Spanish German de Argumosa, as well as Bayless and Sealay, Hyntzmann, Dr. New and others give their ideas. The certain thing, that before the evidence of this phenomenon many are the questions that they arise trying to find replaced explanations and to their origin, mainly, by the frame in which it develops, some of them would be These are produced by the incontinent of the alive ones? Truly there is a communication of further on? What mean the voices to us through their communications? Some of these messages are pre-mental for the investigator? Really exists a communication or front door with another universe? , etc. -, the certain thing is, that of mysterious day and night communications through messages they come being recorded in magnetic tapes or cassettes and all person can experience it whenever it has patience and spirit of investigator, Before beginning to present to them some attempts explanations to the origin of them, it is necessary to meditate on the following thing that for Rudive, it considers, who can be caused by the anti-universe, that is to say, he indicates that still our death has like direct cause the existence of universe. Stphane Lupasco on the other hand, believes in the existence of the antimatter and anti-universe in which the heterogeneity would manage to win to the homogeneity, the life to the death. The same thinks the physicists Leon Ledermann of the university of Columbia of New York, that the voices can be the antimatter. The same Ledermann, when listening the voices (some of taxed them by Rudive) where say: Anti-worlds exist and another one Here does not exist the time comments: A anti-universe is in the world, next to ours, along with ours, in which the time runs the other way around and whose contact with our visible universe, would not be possible, because from that contact would be an apocalyptic catastrophe, the aim of everything.


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