National Police

" We are thankful to them that they contribute with the movement so that everything is safer " , the spokesman says. Some people have tried to extend their presence by the center of Madrid and outside the limits of Door of the Sun. Several groups are working in installing new locations, although until the moment establishments by the police action, since it has been in the case of the place of Santa Isabel, more well-known like the place of Opera, this same morning have not settled firmly. Nevertheless, police sources reduce importance to the encamped attempt of in Opera, and indicate that the morning passes with " absolute normality " in center of Madrid. Meanwhile, the Door of the Sun is continued filling of people, in a heat day in which the leisure predominates, with activities of theater, poetry and music. From the respect commission they insist on the Pacific atmosphere that is lived in Sun: " There is a very important plurality of people here, so we do not foment the conflict yes and good rollo".

This commission has acquired protagonism in the reflection day. In the assembly celebrated to 13,00 h of afternoon has outlined the workings that this commission will realise from now on, that will concentrate in the mediation and awareness instead of to realise monitoring workings. On the other hand, the coordinators of the concentration of the movement 15-M in the Place of Spain de Alcoy (Alicante) have decided to call off the act after being warned the organizers by the National Police of which they could be fined if they did not raise the encamped one. According to they indicate representatives of the movement in social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the National Police invited to them to that they evacuated the place and that, if they wanted to remain, they remained less than in groups of 20 people without placards, coats nor blankets and that, otherwise, the organizers could receive fines of up to 6,000 Euros.


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