Overcoming Asthma

Dear visitors of the forum, hello! I "asthmatic" and my experience of the disease about five years. I know, like everyone else, that bronchial asthma – is an incurable disease. And the alternatives, except as hormones and 'bronchodilators' in patients with bronchial asthma, no. I appeal to you, with the faint hope, almost not believing in the success of his treatment, but still, maybe someone knows another way to treat? Especially if you tried this method on yourself, if you please write. Forces no longer tolerate this asthma. That's right, or nearly so, the words of a patient with asthma at some medical and some medical forum.

Words that mean the patient – all tried and classic and alternative medicine, but neither one nor the other is not particularly helpful. And start advice and recommendations for treatment. But the strong diversity in the doctor's advice you, dear, "asthmatic", you find it. Self-respecting doctor sure you write. My dear, today modern medicine has nothing but hormones i'bronholitikov 'do not knows. Leave your hopes and pick for themselves competent treatment of these, so unloved by you means. You, the patient with asthma will have to raise the "feet" and to surrender to the pharmacy. In the same way as I do, as "asthmatic", surrendered and was treated by conventional methods.

First, do not hide the fact that they are, these hormones and antispasmodics helped me a lot, then started helping getting worse and worse. And the reason is this, a gradual tolerance (immunity) to drugs is quite obvious on the surface and in any case, in order who has some familiarity with medicine. And I know, worked as a surgeon. So, I know that in humans there is a so-called principle of feedback.

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