Republican Left

Shortly before the end of the war went into exile to France. He worked in the newspaper Le Soud-Ouest. En1940 embarked for Mexico. In this country helped Rumbo magazine and former director of the magazine Women’s Home, while Basque collaborated on several publications in exile, including Euzko-Deya, Gernika, Bulletin of the American Institute of Basque Studies Earth Basque etc. In the Mexican capital was active in Republican Left of Euskadi. He was a founding member of Spanish University of Mexico. He was head of the department of University Extension and director of the University of Sonora magazine.

At the university she taught Art History and History of the Theatre. In 1964, he returned to Toulouse, while her husband stays in Mexico until the death of the dictator. Guilarte had to live until his death on second exile or exile from the “land of exile” and part of his family. Once in Spain, collaborated on The voice of Spain and the Mexican newspaper Novedades. Along with a remarkable work in newspapers and magazines Guilarte unveiled an interesting piece of literary creation. His narrative production begins with a series of short stories, and defeated Locos (1935), Women (1935), cut rose Rose (1936) and The bright eyes of Ignacio (1936), consolidated in exile with the short stories Way of the Heart (1942), The Miracle of Life (1942) and Pride of caste (1942), but above all, from his novel was born in Spain (1944), foreword by Alvaro de Albornoz, head of the Republican Government in exile, which plot has plenty of biographical narrative with agile prose of journalism.

With a similar story published in 1969, the novel Anyone who kills you will, who won the Eagles, then appears and rivers Solitude (1975), which reflects perfectly the female type. In his theatrical production quote: Against the Dragon (1954), The Trap (1958), foreword by Niceto Alcala Zamora, and The Road and the Cross (2001), drama of the Indian world.


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