Social Development

These facts come of meeting to one of the criteria of the condicionalidades of the program. It is to have of all the responsible ones for the benefited ones that when entering in the Program, the family if compromises to fulfill of the Stock market Family in the health areas, assistance and education, the Law in the 10,836, of 9 of January of 2004, that it creates the Program Stock market Family, in art. 28, III the Ministry of the Education, say respect to the minimum frequency of eighty and five percent of the monthly pertaining to school horria load, in regular educational establishments, child and adolescent of six the fifteen years, and to the one of seventy and five percent of the monthly pertaining to school horria load of young with age of sixteen dezessete years? However, when these condicionalidades benefit are disregarded it are blocked, in view of that this control if of the one by means of the secretariat of Assistance, Education and Health it saw Internet the central office in Brasilia. As calendar established for the Ministry of Social Development. 4 OBJECTIVES GENERAL The objective of this project is to acquire knowledge the families to fulfill to the condicionantes of the program Stock market Family and this form to reduce and or to eradicate the blockade or cancellation of the benefits of the same ones. SPECIFIC To identify the families with the blocked and or cancelled benefits; To visit the families benefited of the program Stock market Family of the city of Arau/SE; that they had had its and or cancelled blocked, suspended benefits. To promote lectures educative aiming at to the awareness of the families how much the condicionalidades of the program; It acquires knowledge all the beneficiaries of the program stock market family of the importance of the pertaining to school frequency, therefore on this it depends the continuity of the act of receiving I benefit of it. .


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