Valencia Camps

These actions have aroused the rejection of the rest of the Group concentrates, which have criticism his behavior to those who have insulted and persecuted and have reminded them that the adequate and approved in Assembly to protest is silent and showing a red to the passage of the political card. Austerity and reform of the electoral system Camps has announced that it will pursue a reform of the Valencian electoral system so that members can be elected in a direct way by single-member constituencies, on the basis of the number of representatives of each province. The proposal is that, as in the United Kingdom or France, every citizen able to choose his Deputy in a direct way by keeping the proportionality of parliamentarians by province so there are imbalances in the representation of Alicante, Castellon and Valencia. This initiative, which the own Camps acknowledged that it’s complicated constitutional and bylaws, would establish the number of members currently assigned to each province would be distributed by the number of inhabitants to create single-member constituencies. On the other hand, Camps has announced that austerity will be one of the hallmarks of its new mandate, which will set a ceiling of expenditure for future budgets and establish a contrato-programa for senior positions. I build a smaller government and will establish a contract program for senior positions that allow a quantitative and qualitative control of services rendered, described above, in addition to a reduction of budgets for this group, as well as societies, entities and foundations. Reduction of 15% of the spending power and 30% of subsidies and transfers of capital with respect to the first austerity budget, was another candidate for re-election ads. Source of the news: peaceful protest of the movement of 15-M in Les Corts against the investiture of Camps.

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