World Wide Web

Internet burst into our lives swiftly and conclusively. For 10-15 years it has radically changed the daily routine of children, and if in our time (20-30 years so ago), we, in their free time on frozen shastali construction sites of his native city, then the present generation an opportunity, not rising from his chair for half an hour to see every corner of the globe: from the North Pole to the most remote corners of Africa. I agree that dragging on construction sites in the positive slightly, especially for further mental development. By and large, the very-pulling did not give me nothing but bruises, from which I have so far survived a few scars. Well, a company of friends, most of which we have been friends ever since. Consider the situation of today's children. All information that is needed is not already in the library, to which we must get a few transports.

No need to go over a few intersections, designated traffic lights and stand in line for a book, for which there is half of your class. Everything is on the World Wide Web, just a few clicks of the homepage search engine. This is what the fans are make money online. Moreover, the wish to earn on the Internet quickly, developing their sites specifically for children. What does our child? Find the right information, and enter the code the parent credit card. Parents can only be surprised where were money. I shall not dwell on pornography, which are offered by many sites, even without any obstacles for children of inactivity, which diagnostitsiruetsya many children and teens and early myopia associated with a permanent seat in front of the screen. Here is the simple example of unity and struggle of opposites in the Karl Marx: on the one hand, the positive from the almost inexhaustible source of Knowledge, on the other hand, the negative of what can be found on the Internet: Recipes vryvchatyh substances, pornography is not always justified and balanced diet. I think we should think again, buying a package to the child to connect to World Wide Web.

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