Indrajata Festival

Fernando Alexis Jimnez the celebration is just as all, with serpentines, garlands of colors, music and choirs. Jolgorio extends since it lines the dawn until the sun dies in the horizon. The people dress their better suits. There is joy, typical plates that go from a house to another one, and smiles throughout the unique difference is that the holiday event is celebrated in honor of a girl of four years. Kumari is called.

The small one that becomes in center of the Indrajata Festival, in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, in India. It crosses the streets and, to its step, they honour it to the people. The escogencia is realised carefully studying the genealogical tree of the Buddhist families. They even review the day, the hour and the place in which it was born. The meticulous investigation of the patriarchs of the clan, is explained because they consider that the girl is the living representation of the Hindu goddess Durga. They honour for that reason it.

And they request its miraculous manifestation to him, bringing fertility, prosperity and peace in the Earth the place that the idols For those who occupy we live in the West, these customs are an extreme representation of the religious fanaticism. Nevertheless for them, a form to attest to its Gods the convictions that attend to them. But every one, although professes faith in God, has its own idols. The work, the family, the love to the money, an artist of television or radio, the race that exert or perhaps the social position that occupies. It is a form different from idolatry, but idolatry to the aim. An excessive inclination to something or somebody goes in contrava of the arranged thing by the Gentleman. It instructed his town when it said: ” You will not have other people’s Gods in front of mi” (Exodus 20:3). This brief reprimand must take to review to us what is that one in which we occupied our efforts and to verify if that love to the material, is not the idol that is displaced God. It must occupy the first place in our being. Pregntese now which are my idols? You already made the best decision? The best decision than all human being can take, is to receive to Jesus Christ like Gentleman and Salvador of our lives. To have it in our heart is very easy. It is enough whereupon it says to him, in oration, there where one is: Mr. Jesus Christ, thanks to die in the cross by my sins, to pardon them and abrir me the doors to a new life. I receive to you in my heart like unique and sufficient Salvador. Beam of my the person who you want that I am. Amen If it made this oration I congratulate, it. Now I have three recommendations for you. First, that does of the oration, a principle of daily life. To pray, recurdelo, is to speak with God. Second, that reads the Bible. There it will learn wonderful principles that will take to him to the success in the Personal and Spiritual Growth, and third, that begins to meet in a Christian church.


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