Archive for January, 2022


Sting, Leonhard Cohen you like argue, these would be the music style, alienated use their voice with intent. With this penetrating intent of modern sound artists to the alienation disturbing on probably yes desperately cried, gerotzte, gekeuchte asking for deep hearing is how else today touch? But remember even so-called Bel Canto-voices: where the tenor […]


Zara Tadalan Hutch

New texts, pictures and videos are transferred directly via an interface to the NetBiscuits platform and online are available for retrieval. For the development and operation of the mobile- and Web pages COMPUTER image provides NetBiscuits online and on-demand all tools, interfaces and base technologies. With the new mobile portals of car image and […]


Europe Gmb

In the near future it is the IT portal of the region with additional features further expanded. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of jim king on most websites. It is worth. About AMC24 GmbH & co. KG AMC24 sales and marketing focused on the area, to better position on the market with the target […]

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Though Westerners

Good and evil difference Zarathustra first, around 1000 BC, people have two ways of true perception: 1 transcendence and feel (80%, instinct) and feel instinctively happens with the ‘heart’ (analogue brain). 2. think (20%, intuition: heart + brain) thinking happens intuitive selectively and universalist sustainably with the mind (digital brain). Though Westerners have the nature […]

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