Archive for January, 2020

Concrete Evidence

But progress does not stand still and at the end of the 20th century in many countries around the world, mechanical, electronic taximeters were replaced, thus avoiding the extra noise in the cabin, associated with the mechanical click of a meter. The term “taxi” has several theories of origin. One of them says that the […]

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Legacy Of $ 3 Million

In America and Canada, this guy is almost a hero. The community on Facebook for 19-year-old Harris Moore Kolgona 90 000 fans, and T-shirts with his image can be purchased at all street stalls in New York and Chicago. About him going write a book and a movie. Colton – not an actor, although the […]

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New York Music

Strangely enough, but the prevalence of identity and the large number of bands did not contribute to the promotion of punk to the masses. Those groups that existed in the 60-70 years of XX century, were content to small and not tried to break into the big stage, many of them even did studio recordings. […]

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Stencil Glass

Application of pattern on glass and mirror allows for any, even most creative, the ideas for the interior design of various types of establishments: restaurants, nightclubs, spas, fitness clubs, administrative institutions, shopping centers, office and residential design pomescheniy.Dlya ceilings and walls, there are three types of surface materials: mirror-reflective, with a natural mirror image, mirror-matte, […]


Production And Manufacture Of Pipes

Single-screw extruder Korean small capacity can be purchased for 10-20 thousand euros, and a modern Twin-screw from the leading manufacturers of equipment – for 200-300 euros. The bulk of the Russian manufacturers of small works on extruders Korean production, costs of purchase and installation of whom recovered within 1.5 years. In 2005, significantly changed the […]


The Stage

A necessary condition for even beginning the conversation about the furniture from these people is the availability of samples in the cabin or in the showroom. And, for one part of the consumer from this group, it is imperative to find a sample of furniture that best meets their vision for the future of furniture. […]


Dozen Tips

10. Add one new name to your list. Every day, you need to talk to people. Do not think of them as a new companion or client Make new friends. 11. Open new opportunities or continue to work with the old 12. Tell us something positive person on your team success (distributors), or the support […]

Use Diamonds

Until recently, the raw materials for their production – black diamonds – considered to be extremely technical, ie, such diamonds to sort out the position of 'board'. The cost of such raw materials did not exceed $ 10 per carat. However, some part of this material is suitable for cutting, namely, those crystals in that […]


Ribbon Printers

Labels, printers, software and barcode scanner – exactly matched to the work in the laboratory labelling must comply with certain standards in laboratories, to meet the local requirements also stood to hold. The product portfolio of the macro IDENT is designed exactly for these claims and support the staff in the laboratory at GLP compliant […]


Industrial and Residential Buildings

At the same time built a number of industrial and residential buildings, with a fixed maslogreyku. Soon the airport was receiving all types of aircraft at the time. … I came a long-awaited victory. Aviators, the survivors have begun returning home. But did not wait for family and friends pilots who sacrificed their lives for […]

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