
Sting, Leonhard Cohen you like argue, these would be the music style, alienated use their voice with intent. With this penetrating intent of modern sound artists to the alienation disturbing on probably yes desperately cried, gerotzte, gekeuchte asking for deep hearing is how else today touch? But remember even so-called Bel Canto-voices: where the tenor legends, this fascination with high male voices, which certainly irritate the border of pleasant admittedly but also in the Pavarotti area, when it comes to the high C? And the high voices of the Castrati preserved artificially under tortures until at the beginning of the 20th century? A perverse taste aberration over 200 years? There, too, if you attentively listening to the voices of especially female movie stars and radio – and television speakers of 40/50 years ago, you will perceive a clear tendency to higher overtones, so sharper, spitzer and slightly nasal-sounding voices. And now let us once to vote outside of Europe, by Africans or Asians think and you will see a similar tendency, which you may extend beyond the geographical border crossing, but also safely on the historical. Music historians know from numerous historical evidence such as, for example, instrument-making, music manuscripts, composition, and it was also improvisation techniques and time certificates that the musical sound pictures, sound ideas and listening habits in Europe must have been very much overtone-rich at least until the end of the 18th century. What we us as tending to orientalisierend”can imagine. A Sound that sounds us today rather strange, anyway, i warm but just not long n c h t.

What follows from that is: there are geographical and historical sound -, voice – and sound differences or developments. And there is such a thing as voice sound modes, i.e. tone of voice as a marketing product. Advertising produced, manipulated voice. The idea of the harmonious round universal tone of voice with the supposedly best success ‘chances is misleading. “An obsolete idea which is not the real polyphony and no longer consistent at a time of globalisation such as ours” can be. “One might sound anthropological reasons actually even tries to set up the counter-thesis: harmonically rich, the European ear quakig” irritating voices are the most in the history of mankind, ergo success “richer constant.

This argument could be relying even by the measurable psycho physiological effect of harmonic qualities. Optimized for today’s Which success “but the question would be important strategies: How does my voice on my Chinese or African interlocutors with his ethno historical due to another listening habits?” Each language brings Yes its own sound character – and he is even more different depending on the language families are distant. If you have followed the debates by McCain and Obama in recent weeks, you have noticed that we have to take this issue of different voice sound preferences geographically, culturally, not so long. And we have American interlocutors so probably more oftenu0085


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