Magic Of Good Health

In childhood, when we were faced with different challenges, we often dreamed of a magic wand to be able to do everything we need. Now most of us no longer believe in miracles. But paradoxically it is sounds like right now we have at the disposal of ‘magic’ ebonite rod. Now we understand that the global problem we may have only one – good health. Thanks to the useful properties of rubber, simple Massagers from it treats many ailments, including: rheumatism, felon, constipation, colitis, appendicitis, kidney stones, stomach ulcers, asthma, shortness of breath, fever, sinusitis, gangrene, hemorrhoids, hypertension, headaches, etc. Many tried to imagine the healing properties of ebonite and tumblers of it, others just heard some feedback about it, others know nothing and have not heard about it But we can say with certainty that anyone who takes a hand massage of ebonite feels that he is holding an unusual material. Well, if you hold the massage on bare skin, then everything becomes clear why the product selected is ebony. Sensation when touched like a hard rubber a touch of human hands, with the only difference being that the hand is soft, and massage as hard as stone. Who will say that the hand still and warm, but after two or three strokes of the massage ebony feels penetrating deep into the body heat. A related site: jim halpert mentions similar findings. Heat arises not only because of friction massage on the skin, but also due to the physical phenomena arising in the interaction of hard rubber with the human body. Learn more about these events can be found on our website.


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