What Helps Overweight?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids against obesity Bruchsal – earlier had seen nutritionists, cause the mucosal cells in the duodenum and the upper part of the small intestine after eating in action. They produce the substance: Oleylethanolamide (OEA). It is a neurotransmitter of the brain submitted that no other food is more necessary. For more specific information, check out trevor smith. Why this is so, have the research team: Gary Schwartz from Yeshiva University in New York in rats tested. The rats are provided with different nutrients and the result was: neither carbohydrates or proteins trigger the formation of the OEA. It is only the grease! Just then, there might be a reaction, if the food contained oleic acid. Specifically, this fatty acid is then docked to receptors on the surface of the intestinal mucosal cells and stimulate the production of OEA. This represents a natural appetite control.

Many people eat anyway too much fat. Source: trevor clark angelo gordon. This could be because that the food industry uses almost always saturated fatty acids, that does not recognize the control system in the body. The natural satellite maker is the olive oil. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids. If this oil is once in the small intestine, it says the body is fed up. If it is confirmed, what has been demonstrated in rats, influenced the human feeling of satiety, new therapies can be developed to remove.

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