
With these data displayed in the paragraph above, he can yourself be inferred the following conclusions: the pupils do not participate of the meetings that precede the auto-evaluation; the pupils do not participate of the construction of the pointers and instruments; but the director it analyzes and it interprets the collected data and all the segments parents, pupils, professors and team of management receive the spreading from the refined results, even so to the pupils do not fit the task to reflect on this process. This in the sample that the evaluation still needs to arrive at a height of matureness, where all, including the pupils, can participate of its construction, analyzes of the pointers and critical reflection concerning the process. With regard to the external institucional evaluation, 100% of the interviewed ones they had said that the school in question participates only of the ENEM. With regard to this participation, when saying on ' ' the actions that the school after makes the result of the evaluation externa' ' , only the interviewed director gave an excellent reply. It said: As if it deals with a private institution the data are analyzed in accordance with the amount of pupils who obtain a good qualification and in such a way an analysis on the work is made that the professors of the institution they develop, I resell its methodology so that more pupils can even though reach one better qualification in the tests of Enem and in the vestibular contest. y clear opinions on the subject. Thus, it is possible to perceive that, for if dealing with an institution of private character, this school all makes its directed pedagogical work so that its young students continue its studies in an institution of superior education. Thus, a satisfactory concept in the vestibular contests searchs and in the ENEM, what it will indicate if such learning really had a significant learning and clearly, it will reflect in the good image of the institution. .


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