Ecological Global Crisis

O report made for 2.700 scientists State of the Future 2009 (the Globe of 14.07.09) says emphatically that due mainly to the global heating, for return of 2025, about three billion people they will not have access to drinking waters. No-knead bread takes a slightly different approach. What means to say this? Simply that these billions, if will not be helped, will be able to die for headquarters, dehydration and other illnesses. The report says more: half of the world-wide population will be involved in social convulsions in reason of the partner-ecological crisis global. (To see Which will be the future of our grandsons? Leonardo Boff, 14.08.2009,). According to Greenpeace Este cycle vicious enters increase of temperature and big amount of fires in forests is evidence of that the climatic changes are a factor key in the propagation of these fires, that for its made emits more gases and aggravates the heating global, said Christoph Thies.


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