Porto Velho

The family proprietor of the biggest periodical of the world, New York Times, descends on-line direct of these Jews of Pernambuco. 1770-1824 – Period of gradual liberalization, strong immigration of Moroccan and alsacianos Jews for the Amaznia, that had finished for monopolizing the production and exportation of rubber during its period of bigger apogee and gradual assimilation of the Jews. The Jewish immigrants came to Belm of Par and if they had established in Belm, Manaus, Camet, Gurup, Brief, Baio, Macap, Santarm, Itaituba, bidos, Parintins, Maus, Itacoatiara, Manacapuru, Coari, Tef, Humait, Porto Velho, and other cities. Another branch was for the Northeast and if it established in the Cear, creating a great prosperous colony in Sobral, especially because of the port of Camocim, that at this time was not bonded, and of the excellent railroad, constructed for D. Peter II, that he bound to the port the Sobral. Another great colony if established in Recife, and minors in the Paraba, Bahia and Rio Grande of the North.

The Jews had been the first retail dealers of the Amaznia and on board its boats and bateles they took merchandises to vender in the most remote rinces in exchange for chestnut, rubber, balsam of copaba, skins and leathers and other products that later were exported. Between 1824-1855 the phase of the deep assimilation occurred, subsequent to the ceasing of homogeneous Jewish immigration and the total equalizao between Jews and Christians before the law. The period between 1855 and 1900 marked the beginning of the modern immigratory moment, characterized for the first ones leads of Jewish, deriving, successively, of Africa of the North, the Europe Occidental person, the East Next and same of the Eastern Europe, precursory immigrants of the caudalosas chains that, in the First decades of century XX, they would come generates and to mold the current Israeli collective of the country.


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