Posts Tagged ‘law & taxes’

MVZ Areas

The latest stage of health reform, the so-called supply structure law (GKV-VStG) brings especially changes for the medical profession. The latest stage of health reform, the so-called supply structure law (GKV-VStG) brings especially changes for the medical profession. The background is under medical care in rural areas. Should incentives with this law, so that it […]

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Time value accounts are working time accounts in which employees can bring wages or working hours, to invest in a future loss of wages. Drastic economic fluctuations on the one hand, the demographic development, the retirement at 67 and the Elimination of the promotion of part-time work on the other hand, lead to significant changes […]

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Mathias Nittel

It is much more important that the effectuation of mandates through such mass circular unnoticed of course not. So of course investors in their consultant, contact to learn what they should think. From our point of view is to be feared that in the future are those consultants (be it banks, savings banks or independent […]

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DatSV Parties

DatSV: New study examines the often schwierges ratio among experts. In many lawsuits, E.g. due to construction defects, Mietstreitigkeiten, car damage and medical liability, expert opinion are essential today, to allow a proper judgment to the Court. This opinion does not encounter regularly from all parties love. However, court practice shows that the judges usually […]

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RX Discounts: Knockout For German Bonuses Models

BGH rules on bonus systems for dispensing prescription drugs various bonuses models of pharmacies, which all aimed were the subject of decisions, unless the fact that discounts over a large area on the entire range of pharmacies has been granted to subvert the fixed prices for RX drugs prescribed by the medicine pricing Regulation (AmPreisV), […]

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